Architecture (M.Arch)

The NAAB-accredited M.Arch program at RWU provides a rigorous professional training in design, history, planning, and technology while helping students develop critical strategic thinking and communication skills to tackle a range of issues from sustainability and urbanism to historic preservation. Students learn from Practicing Firms in Residence, earn valuable experience in guaranteed paid internships and assistantships, and even have the opportunity to study abroad.


On campus (Bristol)


Day and evening coursework

Credits Required


Students without a pre-professional degree will have additional requirements.

Time Commitment

1.5 to 3.5 years


Spring 2025
$22,632/semester (12-19 credits)


Spring 2025

Ways to Save

Scholarships available 

Guaranteed paid assistantship or internship for all students

Apply By

Fall Deadlines: February 1 (Priority Deadline), March 1 (Regular Deadline), June 1 (Final Deadline)

Spring Deadlines: November 1 (Priority Deadline), December 15 (Final Deadline)

Master of Architecture Program

The Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) program prepares students to enter and advance both the discipline and the profession of architecture. Students achieve a depth of understanding of the components of architectural practice and of the diverse nature and variety of roles for architects in relation to other fields. The program encourages the mastery and skillful integration of environmental, social, historical, artistic, technical and philosophical concerns into carefully developed designs that enhance their context through the region, the site, spaces, and detail. Our students and faculty embrace the opportunity to express human values through the design of the built environment. 

Key Features

  • Career Investment Program - Available to all M.Arch students, the Career Investment Program provides a paid internship or assistantship each year you are in the program.
  • Teaching Firms in Residence - Graduate architectural design studios are taught by a group of lead architects from a top firm each semester.
  • Study Abroad OpportunitiesTake advantage of an opportunity to study abroad in top destinations like Barcelona and Beijing as a graduate student all without losing time toward your degree.
  • Women's Leadership Network - RWU is committed to furthering the work of women in the architecture field with this innovative network that provides mentoring, guest lectures, and more.
  • Samsung Design Studio - Studio space with individual Samsung flat-panel monitors for all students and access to more than 100 software packages in a state-of-the-art virtual environment called Virtual Labs complement a rich architecture curriculum at RWU.

Architecture Pathways

We offer three distinct pathways to the Master of Architecture program. Students in each path develop individualized degree plans to maximize their skills, interests and time to completion, including summer study options.

Path 1

Path One provides a continuous sequence from undergraduate to graduate study leading to the Master of Architecture professional degree, for students who have completed Roger Williams University's B.S. in Architecture program. Path One students normally complete this 181-credit sequence in 5-1/2 to 6 years from the beginning of their undergraduate studies.

Path 2

Path Two provides advanced entry to the Master of Architecture professional degree for students from other universities who have completed a four-year undergraduate degree in Architecture. Individualized placement occurs following an evaluation of the student's undergraduate transcript and portfolio for completion of NAAB Student Performance Criteria. Path Two students normally complete a 56-credit, full time sequence over four semesters of study. For degree requirements and elective offerings, refer to Path 3.

Path 3

Path Three provides entry to the Master of Architecture professional degree for students who have completed a four-year undergraduate degree in fields other than architecture. Students normally finish this 91-credit full-time program in three years and one summer. Some additional prerequisites in math, physics, and drawing may also be required.


The Master of Architecture program is fully accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). Read more about the accreditation.

In the News: September 14, 2018: RWU's Master of Architecture Program Reaccredited with Distinction 

Roger Williams University offers the following NAAB-accredited degree programs:
M. Arch. (pre-professional degree + 38 graduate credits)
Next accreditation visit: 2026

STEM Designation

The Master of Architecture (M.Arch) program at Roger Williams University is a STEM-designated program in Architectural and Building Sciences/Technology eligible under the CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) Code 04.0902. The STEM designation allows F-1 international students who graduate from the RWU M.Arch the ability to apply for a 24-month extension of post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) employment authorization in the United States, up to 36 months in total. Architecture was officially recognized as a STEM subject by the U.S. Congress as part of the 2018 reauthorization of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006.


Degree Requirements


ARCH 101 Foundations of Architecture

ARCH 121 History of Art and Architecture I

ARCH 122 History of Art and Architecture II

VARTS 101 Foundations of Drawing


The design studio sequence consists of core studios, advanced undergraduate studios, comprehensive design studio, graduate studios, and a final graduate thesis design studio. The Core consists of five sequential semesters addressing fundamental architectural design issues, and graphic skills. This is followed by one semester of advanced architectural design studio and one advanced topical studio in urban issues. At the graduate level, students undertake comprehensive design studio, and two additional graduate topical studios, before exploring a thesis topic of their own choosing for the final semester of the professional degree program.

ARCH 113 Architectural Design Core Studio I

ARCH 114 Architectural Design Core Studio II

ARCH 213 Architectural Design Core Studio III

ARCH 214 Architectural Design Core Studio IV

ARCH 313 Architectural Design Core Studio V

ARCH 413 Advanced Architectural Design Studio

ARCH 416 Advanced Topical Design Studio: Urban

ARCH 513 Comprehensive Project Design Studio

ARCH 515 Graduate Architectural Design Studio (two studios)

ARCH 613 Graduate Thesis Design Studio


The History/Theory sequence is a three-part structure of required introductory and intermediate courses, and advanced elective options. Students complete a two-course introductory survey of Art and Architectural History, followed by a History of Modern Architecture and Theory of Architecture requirements, one intermediate course in the History of Architecture chosen from a broad menu of options, and one advanced elective option. 

AAH 121-122 History ofArt and Architecture I-II

ARCH 325 History of Modern Architecture

ARCH 322 Theory of Architecture

and ONE Intermediate History/Theory Elective:

ARCH 324 Evolution of Urban Form

ARCH 327 History of American Architecture

ARCH 328 Renaissance Architecture in Perspective

ARCH 329 History of Landscape Architecture

AAH 313 Arts and Architecture of Africa

AAH 321 Arts and Architecture in the Classical World

AAH 322 Arts and Architecture in the Medieval World

AHH 323 Arts and Architecture in the Islamic World

AAH 330 Topics in Art and Architectural History

HP 341 Pre-Industrial America

HP 342 Industrial America

HP 351 History and Philosophy of Historic Preservation

and ONE Advanced History/Theory Elective:

ARCH 478 Dutch Architecture: The Enduring 20th Century Legacy

ARCH 530 Special Topics in Architecture

AAH 530 Special Topics (selected topics)

AAH 560 The Newport Seminar

ARCH 573 Modernism in the Non-Western World: A Comparative Perspective

ARCH 575 Contemporary Asian Architecture and Urbanism

ARCH 576 Theoretical Origins of Modernism

ARCH 577 The American Skyscraper

HP 351 History and Philosophy of Historic Preservation

HP 391 Architecture and Historic Preservation Abroad

HP 530 Special Topics in Historic Preservation

Environment and Human Behavior

Environment and Human Behavior coursework develops student's skills and understanding relative to environment, social aspects and research methodology.

ARCH 321 Site and Environment

ARCH 522 Environmental Design Research

Technical Systems

The Technical Systems sequence gives students an essential understanding of the practical and theoretical interrelationship between the structural, environmental and enclosure systems of a building, and introduces them to various building materials, assemblies and services. Students complete seven required courses, including a three course structures sequence and two courses each in Construction Materials and Assemblies and in Environmental Systems.

ARCH 335 Structure, Form, and Order

ARCH 434 Design of Structures I

ARCH 435 Design of Structures II

ARCH 231-331 Construction Materials and Assemblies I and II

ARCH 332 Acoustics and Lighting

ARCH 333 Building Systems: Electrical for Buildings

Practice and Professional Development

Practice and Professional Development coursework develops students' communication skills and understanding of the role of architects within society and in relation to the various participants in the building process. This sequence culminates with the Graduate Thesis Seminar, where students are asked to formulate an independent architectural investigation that engages a set of issues that further their understanding of Architecture as a cultural medium and as a profession. 

VARTS 101 Foundations of Drawing

ARCH 101 Foundations of Architecture

ARCH 287 Computer Applications in Design

ARCH 488 Computer Applications for Professional Practice

ARCH 542 Professional Practice

ARCH 641 Graduate Thesis Research SeminarArchitecture Electives Requirement

In addition to the elective options outlined above in History/Theory, the completion of four Architecture Electives is required for graduation, with a minimum of three at the Graduate Level (500 level or above)

Mathematics Requirement

Math 136 Precalculus or MATH 213 Calculus I and Lab are required for all Architecture majors, and are a prerequisite for required courses in the structures sequence. Successful completion of one of these courses also fulfills the University's Core requirement in mathematics. Students are encouraged to complete the highest level of mathematics that they place into, in recognition of the fact some Roger Williams University minors and graduate study options at other universities may require calculus. Students seeking to complete a Minor in Structural Engineering must complete MATH 213 Calculus I and Lab.

Science Requirement

Architecture majors are required to complete PHYS 109-Physics I-Algebra Based and Lab or PHYS 201-Physics I-Calculus Based and Lab or ENGR 210, and either CORE 101 Science or BIO 104-Biology II or NATSC 103-Earth Systems Science and Lab. Both BIO 104 and NATSC 103 count toward the Core Concentration and Minor in Sustainability Studies.

Degree Requirements


ARCH 511 Graduate Core Studio I - summer

ARCH 512 Graduate Core Studio II

ARCH 413 Advanced Architectural Design Studio

ARCH 515 Graduate Architectural Design Studio I

ARCH 515 Graduate Architectural Design Studio II

ARCH 513 Comprehensive Project Design Studio

ARCH 613 Graduate Thesis Design Studio


ARCH 501 Elements and Principles of Architecture

ARCH 325 History of Modern Architecture - summer

ARCH 322 Theory of Architecture

AAH 300 Intermediate Art & Architectural History Elective

AAH 400-500 Advanced Art & Architectural History Elective

Environment and Human Behavior

ARCH 321 Site and Environment

ARCH 522 Environmental Design Research

Technical Systems

ARCH 231 Construction Materials & Assemblies I

ARCH 331 Construction Materials & Assemblies II

ARCH 335 Structure, Form, and Order

ARCH 434 Design of Structures I

ARCH 435 Design of Structures II

ARCH 333 Building Systems: Equipment for Buildings

ARCH 332 Acoustics and LightingPractice and Professional Development

ARCH 287 Introduction to Computer Applications

ARCH 488 Computer Applications for Professional Practice

ARCH 542 Professional Practice

ARCH 641 Graduate Thesis Research Seminar

Architecture Electives Requirement

In addition to the elective options outlined above in History/Theory, the completion of four Graduate Level (500 level or above) Architecture Electives is required for graduation.

BS in Architecture + Master of Architecture Program Estimate of Tuition, Fees, Specialized Materials

For 2021/22, Architecture students pursuing the BS in Architecture + Master of Architecture sequence can expect the following annual and total costs. 

Annual Costs

$43,872 per year Architecture tuition
$330 activity fee
$1000 per year estimate for books, supplies, specialized materials
$1399 (PC) -$2799 (Mac) Laptop--one time cost. All software is provided for free through the RWU rCloud.
$857 Architecture Toolkit --one time cost


$40,584 per year
$930 semester fees
$1000 per year estimated books/supplies

Total Costs (before scholarships or other aid)

$189,832 total estimate for four years of undergraduate study  
$85,028 total estimate for 2 years of graduate study
$274,860 total estimate for students pursuing the 4+2 BS in Architecture + Master of Architecture program sequence

Financial aid and scholarships are available for students pursuing the B.S. Architecture or Master of Architecture degrees.

Please consult the Office of the Bursar website for the most current and official tuition and fee information. 

Elective Offerings

History/Theory Advanced Level Course Options

ARCH 475 Frank Lloyd Wright: A Life's Work

ARCH 478 Dutch Architecture: The Enduring 20th Century Legacy

ARCH 530 Special Topics in Architecture

ARCH 573 Modernism in the Non-Western World: A Comparative Perspective

ARCH 575 Contemporary Asian Architecture and Urbanism

ARCH 576 Theoretical Origins of Modernism

ARCH 577 The American Skyscraper

AAH 430 Special Topics in Art and Architectural History (selected topics)

AAH 530 Special Topics in Art and Architectural History (selected topics)

HP 351 History and Philosophy of Historic Preservation

HP 391 Architecture and Historic Preservation Abroad

Graduate Electives

Students are encouraged to look at these electives as a means to various concentrations within the M.S. in Architecture Program.

Sustainable Design

ARCH 521 Sustainable Design Seminar

ARCH 533 Detailing the High-performance Envelope

ARCH 535 Introduction to Proactive Simulation

ARCH 536 Special Topics in Sustainable Design

ARCH 593 Sustainable Paradigms

ARCH 594 Urban Ecology

Urban Design

ARCH 524 Evolution of Urban Form

ARCH 529. History of Landscape Architecture

ARCH 537 Special Topics in Urban Design

ARCH 561 Landscape Architecture: Theory and Practice

ARCH 572 Urban Design Theory

HP 682L Preservation Planning Workshop

Digital Media

ARCH 535 Introduction to Proactive Simulation

ARCH 538 Special Topics in Digital Media

ARCH 586 Processing

ARCH 587 Advanced Computer Applications in Design

ARCH 588 Digital Manufacturing

ARCH 589 4D (Four Dimensional)

Historic Preservation

HP 501 Fundamentals of Historic Preservation

HP 525 Preservation Economics

HP 526 Preservation Law and Regulation

HP 582L Architectural Conservation Lab

HP 681L Historic Rehabilitation Workshop

HP 682L Preservation Planning Workshop

Additional Architecture Electives

ARCH 530 Special Topics in Architecture

ARCH 573 Modernism in the Non-Western World

ARCH 574 Regionalism in Architecture

ARCH 575 Contemporary Asian Architecture and Urbanism

ARCH 576 Theoretical Origins of Modernism

ARCH 577 The American Skyscraper

ARCH 606 Field Research Seminar

ARCH 616 Collaborative Workshop

AAH 560 The Newport Seminar

Open Houses

Ppen Houses are scheduled on the Bristol Campus every June and November with virtual Open Houses available in January and August. Join us to learn more about your program, the admission process, and financial aid at these informative events with faculty and Graduate Admission staff.

View our upcoming events for the most current opportunities to hear about the Architecture program.

Virtual Information Sessions

Short on time or just want to learn more about us from the comfort of your home, school, or office? Join us for a Virtual Information Session.

Cummings School of Architecture Lecture Series

Each semester the school hosts lectures and exhibitions featuring notable people and their work from the region, country and world. Free and open to the public.

Check out upcoming lectures

Application Requirements

Applicants to the Master of Architecture program should submit the following items to the Office of Graduate Admission to be considered for admission. Materials do not have to be submitted together in one package. 

  1. Completed online application form accompanied by the $50 application fee
  2. Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate coursework
  3. Letter of Intent (two double-spaced pages maximum) describing your interest in the Master of Architecture program, relevant past experiences and career goals
  4. Two letters of recommendation attesting to your potential to succeed in graduate school
  5. Portfolio containing examples of your work (submitted as hard copy, emailed to the Office of Graduate Admission, or submitted electronically through SlideRoom)
  6. Senior final semester schedule - non-RWU graduates only. To give you an accurate degree plan, you will need to submit a copy of your final semester schedule from your undergraduate studies if it is not represented on your transcript
  7. If your first language is not English, an official report of TOEFL or IELTS results.

The Graduate Records Examination (GRE) is not required for admission. International applicants should also read additional requirements for non-U.S. residents.

Where appropriate, documents should be submitted via email to Any official documents that must be mailed (i.e. transcripts) should be sent directly to:

Office of Graduate Admission
1 Old Ferry Rd.
Bristol, RI 02809

Have questions about the application process? Visit the How to Apply page from the Office of Graduate Admission.

Application Deadlines (Fall Admission)

Priority Deadline I - January 15th 

Priority Deadline II - March 1st

Final Deadline - May 1st 

Applications received for each of the priority deadlines will be guaranteed an admission decision within 30 days of that deadline and will receive priority consideration for financial aid. Students who miss the final deadline may contact the Office of Graduate Admission for consideration for admission on a space available basis. 

Scholarships and Institutional Aid

All accepted Master of Architecture students who completed their undergraduate degree with a 3.0 GPA or above will receive a merit scholarship, renewable annually while maintaining a 3.0 GPA in graduate coursework. In addition, each full-time graduate student will be awarded a $4,000 assistantship through the Career Investment Program.

Master of Architecture students are also eligible for several endowed scholarships, including the Raj Saksena Memorial Scholarship, the Kaestle Boos Associates Scholarship, and several scholarships endowed through the American Institute of Architects Rhode Island.

M.Arch Design Studio Work

Architecture studios are at the center of the undergraduate and graduate programs in Architecture. Students explore architectural issues in a variety of ways led by full-time faculty, part-time practitioners, and Teaching Firms in Residence.

Select a studio to see examples of recent student work:

ARCH 511 Core Studio Work

ARCH 511 Core Studio Work

ARCH 515 Grad Options Studio work

ARCH 515 Grad Options Studio work

ARCH 513 Integrated Design Studio work

ARCH 513 Integrated Design Studio work

ARCH 613 Thesis work

ARCH 613 Thesis work

ARCH 517 Collaborative Revitalization Studio work

ARCH 517 Collaborative Revitalization Studio work

Headshot of Juan Osorio

Designing a Positive Experience

Juan Osorio, RWU Class of 2019, 2020M

Juan Osorio ’19, ‘20M was inspired to enter the field of architecture by his grandfather and his Colombian roots. Now, he works as an architectural designer at Summit Design and Engineering Services in Cary, North Carolina.

Read full story